Tomorrow there will be 4 years since Nick's accident. He is aware of that and is more depressed than ever before. If any of you have been thinking of visiting him, this would be a good time. He needs to know that he still has friends. I know that it is difficult for you to see him this way and I have recently become aware of the fact that he had sent inappropriate texts to some of you. I am asking that you open your hearts and image yourself in his place. I'm sure that you all know that you could be in the same condition he is in right now, maybe because of an accident that was not your fault---but in this condition, no less. He feels abandoned and trapped and right now he is feeling no hope for his future. I know that God would bless you for any act of kindness and compassion you might show Nick right now.
My heart breaks for him.
I don't know Nicholas, but even with that being so I think he is very brave. I really have no idea what it would be like-- to know what it is you could do and then being trapped in a body that doesn't allow you to do it. I don't know if this makes any difference, but someone out in the cyber universe cares. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Kindest Regards,
Optimistic Dreamer
Can we send nick a card? Can you email me your email address? Mine is!!!
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