I ran into my old neighbor the other day and he asked about the blog. I hadn't realized how long it had been since I had posted. Well, to fill you in...Nick's been going to therapy and he has a new extension for his walker. This enables him to walk alone. We still need to stay close by in case he loses his balance, but he is doing well. Eric has taken him hunting, with the help of Clint and some friends. He absolutely loves it out there but takes too many risks. I had a talk with him last night about listening to us when we tell him not to do something. I only hope it sunk in. In November Meagan and Chris got married and Nick was a groomsman. He was able to stand with his walker for the ceremony(see above). We received the Dynavox but he is still resistant. I told him that maybe if he used it, people might visit more often because he could communicate with them. He was very depressed for the holidays because no one (NOT ONE PERSON) came to visit him. Hopefully this post will reach those who may have been thinking about coming but were hesitant. Nick really needs you. If you were in his place, you would want to know that someone cared.
Thanks for checking in,
Nick looks great.
Congrats to the newly weds.
Nick looks great! Glad to see he is doing so well. I hate that he is so resistant to the DynaVox. I hope that he will start to use it more and get comfortable with it. Glad you are posting again!
Christy Garrett
Hi, I have a blog about my brother who is brain injured from an October 2006 car accident with a tree. Only about a month ago did I discover that one can scroll to "next blog" on these things. Today, the random luck of the draw landed me on your blog!! and for some reason I cannot figure out how to sign my name with my blog, so I am hoping to post it here, or come back and comment later with my blog as my signature. Either way, I am simply delighted to learn of your story and want very much to keep in touch. I completely understand the wish for Nick to have visitors and friends interacting more. My brother is in Maryland, I am in Pennsylvania. I drive once a week a 7 hour round trip in order to do stuff with Jim. It's the only way that he gets regular interaction. He's stuck in a nursing home, thanks to his wife's initial decisions. Now my parents are his guardians and we are working to relocate him closer to or WITH us. B/c he is married and has 3 children, the judge involved wants to see us work out something more agreeable about proximity to the children - of course!
It is overall a long journey to care for a loved one in this condition, but we are also completely determined because we love Jim so much.
It is helpful to connect with families walking this journey!! Here is my blog:
God Bless your family!
Laura near Philly
Ok. I am now leaving a comments with my blog about my brother as my signature! Hope to keep in touch with you!
My brother Jim, who is hurt, has a 17 yr old son name Nick!
It's been a hard time for Jim's kids to cope with this situation. Pls keep them in your prayers.
God Bless, Laura
it is very good
it is very good
it is very good
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