I haven't posted for a while, so I thought I would fill you all in on what's been going on. Nick has a new sitter - a guy. They have been getting out quite a bit. A couple of weeks ago Nick went out with friends. Brandon D. came by to pick him up. He really had a good time. Saturday night we had an engagement party for Meagan and Chris (See photos). He always seems so much happier when he has something to do. One of the reasons we hired the new sitter was because he is willing to take him whereever he wants to go. I think that getting out has been the "best medicine" for him.
Nick and I will be traveling to Johns Hopkins in May for an evaluation. Please pray that the doctor will have some insight into the cause of his tremors and that God will fill him with the knowledge to know how to treat him.
Lots of Love,
Nick is looking great! I am so happy that you guys have found a sitter that can keep Nick busy. Best Wishes,
Everybody looks great. Congrats! to Meagan and Chris. I will say extra prayers for Nick's visit to John's Hopkins and I know if we all keep the Faith that things will only get better. God Bless and I love you all.
Everybody looks great. Congrats! to Meagan and Chris. I will say extra prayers for Nick's visit to John's Hopkins and I know if we all keep the Faith that things will only get better. God Bless and I love you all.
I know I don't tell you enough how amazing you are. Your strength is inspiring. I was reading through all the past posts and know how far Nick has come is because of you. I pray for you and him every night that he would continue to get stronger and for you to continue to have the energy and patience to continue the everyday challenges you are faced with. Love Emily
Ive seen Nick with his sitter at the last couple of NV baseball home games. It was good to see him. We will keep you all in our prayers.
Frederick Family
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