Well, Nick and I drove over to Ruston on Sunday afternoon and spent the night at a hotel. Nick was meeting with the Speech Pathology department at Louisiana Tech to be evaluated for a Dynavox communicator.
I was impressed with the way he responded to the testing. Although I know that his brain function is good, there are times when I wonder if he's really with it...intellectually. I know now that he is even better off than I thought. There were a couple of questions that I wasn't sure what the answers would be and he got them right.
Nick wasn't having a good day with his speech and with the tremors that day, but he didn't get impatient. He was a little upset with himself when they tested his speech and he did poorly (one therapist gave him a word to say and the other one could not tell what he was saying).
The Dynavox devices are really fantastic. We will be trying out a few of them in the next couple of weeks to see which one he likes best. If you would like to see what they are all about, you can visit the website at www.dynavoxtech.com
I want to thank Matt Bridges, "Pee Wee" Hebert and Brandon Duhon for taking Nick to the football games. I know that it isn't easy and I am truly grateful for your kindness. It means so much to Nick and I. You are truly special people and God will bless you for it.
I am glad to hear of the progress. Keep up the good work Nick.
Good for Nick!
You both have alot of try in you!
Thanks for the updates.
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