It's been a while since I reported on Nick's progress. Amazingly, I am now able to understand about 75% of what Nick says without using his letter chart. Although he still shakes, he has been walking using a walker. In fact, this weekend, he hardly used the wheelchair at all. He can go to the bathroom alone and can even get in and out of the bathtub virtually unassisted. He can bath and dress himself and brush his own teeth. He has even fed himself a little when he gets impatient with us. (We are always trying to do something else at the same time as feed him). He has had a few falls and has the scars to prove it. Right now he is more scratched up than he was after the accident...if you can believe that. Our sitter Lizzie is in labor to have her baby as of this posting. We have a new sitter, her name is Destiny (she keeps Nick in line and doesn't put up with his foolishness...JUST WHAT HE NEEDS)...EVERYONE KNOWS I'M A PUSHOVER. She will be with us full time until Lizzie returns from maternity leave...then they will share time. This will enable us to have backup at all times which is great for Eric and Jordan since they has been filling in as needed. I can't take off of work as often as I would like and they have been doing a great job without me.
Hopefully Nick's evaluation will go well in Ruston and he will be able to get the speech device. I can't see any reason why he wouldn't qualify. I hope that this will encourage more visitors to come by to visit. He has a more positive attitude with all of this improvement but he misses being with his friends. I know how hard it is to visit when it is so difficult to communicate with him. I sincerely hope that this will make a difference for him.
GREAT NEWS! I am so glad to hear that Nick has made so much progress. Keep up the good work everyone and God will always be there. Keep the Faith, You are all in my prayers daily and I love you all!
Good to hear that he has made such progress........that is truly good news!
Perhaps Destiny can work on Eric a little????
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