Thursday, September 04, 2008

Trip to Florida

Everyone thought we were nuts - leaving for Florida just before a hurricane hit home. It was absolutely the perfect thing to do. We had a wonderful time and got a few days on the beach before the water got really rough. Nick even got to parasail - see above (that's him in the middle with Chris and I on each side). It was nice to have the whole family together for a few days.

Nick is doing better, although he hasn't stopped shaking. We rented a beach wheelchair and was able to move him around the beach fairly well. He really enjoyed the pool. His new life jacket kept him upright so that he could walk in the shallow end and swim around the deep end without me having to hold him straight. The little ones loved it too!

We got home on Tuesday to no electricity, but everything at home is fine. Our electricity came on late Wednesday night but we stayed on at Amanda's house - it was like having extra days of vacation.

I hope you all faired the storm well.



Anonymous said...

This is wonderful news. I too am happy that you all got to vacation as a family. I'm sure the trip was GREAT. Good job Nick. Keep Up The Good Fight. And you all need to keep the Faith and know that Not a day goes by that I don't have Nick and the whole family in my daily prayers. I love you all!

Lydia Hebert

Anonymous said...

Nick you look great and like you are having a wonderful time I am glad you are doing so good we will try and come and visit soon KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!